Sabtu, 19 Juli 2014

Lowongan Terbaru: Lowongan: Karyawan Jaga Warnet Game

Lowongan Terbaru: Lowongan: Karyawan Jaga Warnet Game

Lowongan: Karyawan Jaga Warnet Game

Posted: 19 Jul 2014 04:25 AM PDT

Butuh segera karyawan untuk jaga warnet game.
diutamakan yang tidak terikat kerja atau kuliah.

pengalan tidak diutamakan. yang penting serius dan
rajin. mau bersih - bersih.

bisa kerja pagi atau jaga sore. kalau tukar shift.

gaji 800.000 pass..

lamaran bisa langsung di bawa ke warnet.
Jl. Raya Semer No.53 Kerobokan bali.

083 117 502 685

Posted: 19 Jul 2014 04:25 AM PDT

Lowongan: Grapari Telkomsel cabang Handil

Posted: 19 Jul 2014 04:25 AM PDT

Grapari Telkomsel cabang Handil/Muara jawa Membutuhkan Segera Tenaga Kerja Posisi sebagai Office Boy

Kualifikasi :
1. Laki-Laki
2. Pendidikan Minimal SMA/SMK
3. Mampu Bekerja dengan Baik
4. Jujur dan Disiplin
5. Rajin
6. lebih di utamakan berdomisili disekitar wilayah Muara Jawa /handil
Bagi anda yang berminat silahkan kirim surat lamaran lengkap ke ;
Grapari Telkomsel
Jalan M.Hatta Handil 3 Kel Muara Jawa, Kutai Kartanegara

atau kirim melalui Email :

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Waspada terhadap Penipuan berkedok Lowongan Kerja, pastikan tidak melakukan transfer Uang sebagai persyaratan dll

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Posted: 19 Jul 2014 04:25 AM PDT

PT. Mutualplus Global Resources merupakan salah satu perusahaan nasional terkemuka yang bergerak di bidang jasa rekrutmen dan manajemen SDM. Klien kami adalah Bank Pemerintah dan Swasta terkemuka, Lembaga Pembiayaan, serta beberapa perusahaan Multinasional. Saat ini klien kami, sedang membutuhkan sumber daya manusia yang dinamis dan energik untuk posisi sebagai berikut :
  • Pria/Wanita, Pend. Min. D3 Semua Jurusan, Berpenampilan menarik, Komunikatif, Memiliki Pengalaman dibidang Marketing, Memiliki kendaraan pribadi, energik, penempatan di Balikpapan
Persyaratan Umum:
v Berpenampilan menarik, komunikatif, berkepribadian yang baik dan ramah
v Menguasai Ms. Office, min. Word dan Excel
v Siap mengikuti proses seleksi (psikotest & interview)

Benefit : Gaji Pokok, Tunjangan Kesehatan (rawat jalan/rawat inap), Jamsostek, dan tunjangan lainnya sesuai dengan jabatan

Bagi anda yang berminat silahkan mengirimkan Surat Lamaran, CV lengkap, Fotokopi Ijazah terakhir, Fotokopi KTP dan Pas Photo terbaru berwarna ditujukan ke:

Jl. Ruhui Rahayu Bumi Rengganis Blok 1A No.132
Ring Road. Balikpapan 76114
(0542) 8879961
Hp: 085251505432

Atau via E-mail ke: , hanya yang lolos administrasi yang akan diproses.

Selama proses seleksi ataupun setelah di terima bekerja tidak akan di pungut biaya apapun.

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection is active.

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Waspada terhadap Penipuan berkedok Lowongan Kerja, pastikan tidak melakukan transfer Uang sebagai persyaratan dll

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Lowongan: Contract Management - Manager

Posted: 19 Jul 2014 04:25 AM PDT

If you join Accenture you can make great ideas happen for some of the world's most dynamic companies. With broad global resources and deep technical know-how, we collaborate with clients to cultivate ideas and deliver results. Choose a career at Accenture and enjoy an innovative environment where challenging and interesting work is part of daily life.



workforce provides deep expertise to manage and operate Accenture's business functions and support client teams. They work in a wide range of functional areas including human resources, marketing and communications, finance, quality control, legal, IT, facilities and services.

Enterprise workforce professionals make sure we increase our earnings and grow as a company efficiently and effectively. We must continually update our organization and evolve to meet the ever-changing demands of the marketplace and achieve higher performance both for ourselves and our clients. Our Enterprise workforce people play a leading role in our strategic and operational programs, acting as the agents of change within Accenture itself.

We need people who can challenge conventional wisdom, offer unique perspectives and conceive more innovative solutions for our business.

Job Description


Legal and Commercial

business practice provides and manages all legal advice and support to Accenture. Legal and Commercial aims to give objective, focused, practical advice and solutions based on an understanding of the law and Accenture's business, which is essential in a competitive marketplace. The Legal and Commercial teams work closely with each engagement to find ways to maximize revenue and manage risk and to ensure that Accenture complies with its contractual obligations.

The Operations and

Contract Management

teams work closely with Accenture's operating and capability groups to obtain good commercial arrangements, review and counsel new offerings, support Accenture's alliances and Business Process Outsourcing businesses, develop package knowledge and ensure contract agreements are upheld.

Contract Management Manager

manages a variety of government, international, and commercial contracts and subcontracts in accordance with company policies and procedures, applicable laws, and customer requirements. Provides on-site advice to Accenture's business units and project teams on contract management and policy compliance matters.

The Contract Manager may manage more than one engagement or, alternatively, be full-time on a single engagement (depending on the size/complexity of the agreement).


Key responsibilities may include

Responding to complex inquiries regarding contract obligations and revisions

Identifying risks and issues, suggesting alternatives that lead to the best solution

Reviewing and managing contractual obligations of the parties and provides continual review to ensure that all terms and conditions are met

Preparing and disseminates information regarding contract status, compliance, modifications, etc.

Responsibility for the day-to-day management of one or several assigned project or business personnel assisting with the Contract Management function

Acting as the primary contact between the project team and/or business unit and Legal & Commercial, ensuring that all legal and contractual matters are addressed efficiently and promptly

Acting as liaison between Accenture and clients/vendors

Responsibility for adherence to company policies and procedures by assigned Contract Management, project or business personnel

Responsibility for educating the project team on contract terms and monitoring compliance

Developing and integrating Contract Management tools, templates, methods and processes for the engagement


4+ years experience in the contract management/procurement field

Degree (or equivalent) preferred

Ability to meet travel requirements, when applicable

Proficiency using Microsoft Office applications (e.g. Excel, Word, PowerPoint)

Professional Skill Requirements

Able to resolve contracts and pricing

Excellent analytical and mathematical skills

Excellent written and oral communication and negotiation skills required

Able to apply sound business judgment

Advise and interact with all levels of management

In the Enterprise workforce, learning is an ongoing process for each individual and the Enterprise workforce supports this process in a variety of ways including: an individual's experience, including day-to-day assignments, special projects and professional growth experiences; the ongoing feedback and guidance each individual receives on professional development from their career counselor and/or supervisor(s) and others; other learning enablers customized for an individual's development needs, including training (i.e., core leadership and professional training, leadership training and functional/technical training that builds and extends professional expertise); the Enterprise workforce community structure which provides opportunities for training, mentoring, coaching, knowledge sharing and networking; and other learning assets such as Accenture's knowledge exchange, global news feeds and publications, and methodologies.


Contract Manager

Primary Location




Job Level


Lowongan: Environmental Regulatory Specialist

Posted: 19 Jul 2014 04:25 AM PDT

To assist engineer in connection with environmental permitting process
Give recommendation for environmental permitting process especially for Cutting Re-injection permit, or other Injection Wells
Work together with EMDC SSH&E in order to prepare the permit application
Advise Drilling Management on proper procedures, best practices and ways for gaining environmental permit

Lowongan: Marketing Executive

Posted: 19 Jul 2014 04:25 AM PDT

Deskripsi pekerjaan :
Memasarkan Product-product, baik dengan menggunakan fasilitas yg disediakan perusahaan Marketing Executive Internal ( Telephone & Internet ) maupun Marketing Executive External ( disediakan fasilitas Transport & Uang Transport ) untuk melakukan kunjungan langsung dg calon customer/ calon pelanggan.

Membuat/ mengisi report/ laporan harian

Bertanggung jawab, Tekun/ Rajin dan Jujur

Berpenampilan Rapih & Sopan

Bersedia mengikuti program training yg diadakan oleh perusahaan

Berpikiran Positif dan mempunyai cita-cita kesuksesan dan keberhasilan

Bersedia menjalin hubungan baik/ networking yang luas

Kualifikasi :
Pria/ Wanita

Usia Min 19 Tahun - mak 30 Tahun

Pendidikan Min SLTA/ Sederajat

Penampilan Sopan & Rapi

Tidak terkait kasus kriminal/ tindak kejahatan

Tanggal Pasang : 18/07/2014

Kategori : Pemasaran & Penjualan

Pendidikan : SMU/K Pengalaman 0-2 th

Lokasi : DKI Jakarta

Terakhir Melamar : 24/07/2014

Telah dilihat : 11 kali

Lowongan: GA & HRD Superviosr - Manager level

Posted: 19 Jul 2014 04:25 AM PDT

Male/Female (27-33 years old)

Bachelor Degree, prefer major in Law

5 years in the same field

Active in English

Job Desc
Handle GA, HR Matter for new establishment, handle accounting also (using consultant)

max 12,000,000 IDR

Income tax withhold by company

Lowongan: SPG Butik

Posted: 19 Jul 2014 04:25 AM PDT

Dicari SPG Butik, wanita, Minimal SMA atau sederajat, Maximal 25 tahun.
Untuk ditempatkan di Sunset Road dan Teuku Umar.
Diutamakan bisa bahasa Mandarin atau Inggris
Gaji pokok + Uang Makan + Komisi + Bonus Target.
Jam kerja (shift).
Jika mau ada mess...
Lamaran langsung dibawa ke:

1. Lie Hwa Boutique - Mall Carrefour Sunset Road Lantai 1 No. 29, Jl. Sunset Road - Kuta. Telp. 8477348

2. Lie Hwa Boutique - Libbi Plaza, Jl. Teuku Umar No. 104-110 Denpasar. Telp 235511

Lowongan: Bisa Bahasa Mandarin

Posted: 19 Jul 2014 04:25 AM PDT

Dibutuhkan karyawan yg bisa berbahasa Mandarin
untuk restaurant di Mediterania Gajah Mada, jl.
gajah mada ( dekat olimo ).
Tugas menerima orderan via telepon dan orderan
tamu yang dine in.
Gaji awal plus tunjangan 2.500.000
Bonus. 300.000
Minat hub. 021-9880 6777 ato 0818-186-777

Lowongan: Tenaga Delivery Makanan Restaurant

Posted: 19 Jul 2014 04:25 AM PDT

Dibutuhkan karyawan untuk delivery makanan
Gaji : 300.000
Tunjangan Harian. : 600.000
Komisi pengiriman. : 1.000.000 s/d 2.000.000
Bonus. : 250.000
Makan disediakan
Syarat. : * harus memiliki motor dan sim

Minat Hub : 021-9880 6777

Lowongan: Administrasi Staff

Posted: 19 Jul 2014 04:25 AM PDT

- Usia maksimal 25 tahun
- Pendidikan minimal D3
- Pengalaman minimal 1 tahun di bidang yang sama
- Menguasai Microsoft Office
- Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi
- Rapi, teliti dan detail
- Domisili di daerah Jakarta

Lowongan: Marketing Manager (1 year contract)

Posted: 19 Jul 2014 04:25 AM PDT

Lowongan: Senior Platform Solutions Architect

Posted: 19 Jul 2014 04:25 AM PDT

Lowongan: Platform Consultant

Posted: 19 Jul 2014 04:25 AM PDT

Lowongan: Middleware Solutions Architect

Posted: 19 Jul 2014 04:25 AM PDT

Lowongan: Senior Middleware Applications Consultant

Posted: 19 Jul 2014 04:25 AM PDT

Lowongan: Junior Accounting

Posted: 19 Jul 2014 04:25 AM PDT

Lowongan: GCAS (Global Client and Agency Solutions Organization) Account Executive, Indonesia

Posted: 19 Jul 2014 04:25 AM PDT

Lowongan: Head of Marketing, Indonesia

Posted: 19 Jul 2014 04:25 AM PDT

Lowongan: VP / Director

Posted: 19 Jul 2014 04:25 AM PDT

A well-established global private equity firm with strong deal flow is looking for a capable VP/Director to join their team leading the deal executions in the Indonesian market. Position will be based in Jakarta.

Reporting to the Head of Indonesia, you will focus on the execution of investments for the firm, with a focus on Indonesia. This will involve evaluating investments, meeting the management of companies, preparing investment papers, deal execution and execution of the transaction as principal. You will also have involvement in the portfolio management of the companies once you have made an investment. You will be looking across a variety of sectors across Southeast Asia, with a focus on Indonesia.

You are degree-qualified and have at least 7 years experience in an investment banking or private equity environment. You are someone with good knowledge of the Southeast Asian market, in particular Indonesia and have strong relationships with the Indonesian entrepreneurs as well as local businesses.

Lowongan: Operator Plong Prima Print

Posted: 19 Jul 2014 04:25 AM PDT

Lowongan: LP Officer - Contract

Posted: 19 Jul 2014 04:25 AM PDT


At more than 80 award-winning properties worldwide, The Ritz-Carlton Ladies and Gentlemen create experiences so exceptional that long after a guest stays with us, the experience stays with them. As the premier worldwide provider of luxury experiences, we set the standard for rare and special luxury service the world over. We invite you to explore The Ritz-Carlton.

Job Summary Patrol all areas of the property; assist guests with room access. Monitor Closed Circuit Televisions, perimeter alarm system, duress alarms, and fire life safety system. Lock property entrances when required. Conduct daily physical hazard inspections. Respond to accidents, contact EMS or administer first aid/CPR as required. Assist guests/employees during emergency situations. Notify appropriate individuals in the event of accidents, attacks, or other incidents. Defuse guest/employee disturbances. Call for outside assistance if necessary. Complete incident reports to document all Security/Loss Prevention related incidents. Handle all interruptions and complaints. Resolve safety hazard situations. Escort any unwelcome persons from the property without interrupting the orderly flow of property operation. Report to scenes of vehicle accidents/thefts. Call for assistance using proper code responses. Complete a Loss Prevention shift summary/daily activity report. Maintain confidentiality of all Security/Loss Prevention and property reports/documents; release information only to authorized individuals. Conduct investigations and gather evidence. Conduct interviews with relevant parties. Follow all company policies and procedures; report accidents, injuries, and unsafe work conditions to manager; complete safety training and certifications; ensure uniform and personal appearance are clean and professional; maintain confidentiality of proprietary information; protect company assets. Welcome and acknowledge all guests according to company standards; anticipate and address guests' service needs; assist individuals with disabilities; thank guests with genuine appreciation. Speak with others using clear and professional language; prepare and review written documents accurately and completely. Develop and maintain positive working relationships with others; support team to reach common goals. Comply with quality assurance expectations and standards. Stand, sit, or walk for an extended period of time. In addition some states may have additional licensing/registration requirements to be considered for this position. Move, lift, carry, push, pull, and place objects weighing less than or equal to 10 pounds without assistance. Perform other reasonable job duties as requested by Supervisors. The Ritz-Carlton is an equal opportunity employer committed to hiring a diverse workforce and sustaining an inclusive culture. The Ritz-Carlton does not discriminate on the basis of disability, veteran status or any other basis protected under federal, state or local laws.

Posted: 19 Jul 2014 04:25 AM PDT

Lowongan: Sales Coordinator Heavy Equipment

Posted: 19 Jul 2014 04:25 AM PDT

PT Indotruck Utama is the subsidiary of Indomobil Group, one of the largest automotive distributor andmanufacturer in Indonesia. The company was established in 1988, and has been appointed as the soledistributor of well known and reputable European and American brands in heavy duty transportation, portequipment and material handling.There are several brands handled by PT Indotruck Utama: Volvo Construction Equipment, VolvoTrucks, Renault Trucks, Kalmar, Manitou, and SDLG. All of these products have a massive penetrationand significant market share in each respective market. Indonesian Citizen, Male with excellent health Age minimum 30 Years old Bachelor's degree from reputable university 2 years' experience in managerial position is a MUST Strong experience and knowledge in heavy equipment sales/market Familiar with mining industry Knowledge/experience in governmental sector, agriculture/forestry, construction and oil and gas is a distinct advantage Fluent English Computer literacy Good communication skills Leadership qualities Willingness to travel extensively all around Indonesia Readiness to be positioned any location all around Indonesia

Lowongan: Sales Coordinator Heavy Equipment

Posted: 19 Jul 2014 04:25 AM PDT

PT Indotruck Utama is the subsidiary of Indomobil Group, one of the largest automotive distributor andmanufacturer in Indonesia. The company was established in 1988, and has been appointed as the soledistributor of well known and reputable European and American brands in heavy duty transportation, portequipment and material handling.There are several brands handled by PT Indotruck Utama: Volvo Construction Equipment, VolvoTrucks, Renault Trucks, Kalmar, Manitou, and SDLG. All of these products have a massive penetrationand significant market share in each respective market. Indonesian Citizen, Male with excellent health Age minimum 30 Years old Bachelor's degree from reputable university 2 years' experience in managerial position is a MUST Strong experience and knowledge in heavy equipment sales/market Familiar with mining industry Knowledge/experience in governmental sector, agriculture/forestry, construction and oil and gas is a distinct advantage Fluent English Computer literacy Good communication skills Leadership qualities Willingness to travel extensively all around Indonesia Readiness to be positioned any location all around Indonesia

Lowongan: Senior Mechanic Heavy Equipment

Posted: 19 Jul 2014 04:25 AM PDT

PT Indotruck Utama is the subsidiary of Indomobil Group, one of the largest automotive distributor andmanufacturer in Indonesia. The company was established in 1988, and has been appointed as the soledistributor of well known and reputable European and American brands in heavy duty transportation, portequipment and material handling.There are several brands handled by PT Indotruck Utama: Volvo Construction Equipment, VolvoTrucks, Renault Trucks, Kalmar, Manitou, and SDLG. All of these products have a massive penetrationand significant market share in each respective market. Indonesian citizen, Male with excellent health Vocational High School from Mechanical or Electrical / Diploma (D3) Degree in Mechanical or Electrical Engineering with GPA 2.75 from reputable university Computer literacy, Minimum 2 years experience as Heavy Equipment Mechanic Good command in both spoken and written English Able to work with team Good communication, interpersonal and negotiation skill Good analythical thinking Willingness to travel extensively all around Indonesia Readiness to be positioned at any location all around Indonesia

Lowongan: Branch Manager

Posted: 19 Jul 2014 04:25 AM PDT

PT Indotruck Utama is the subsidiary of Indomobil Group, one of the largest automotive distributor andmanufacturer in Indonesia. The company was established in 1988, and has been appointed as the soledistributor of well known and reputable European and American brands in heavy duty transportation, portequipment and material handling.There are several brands handled by PT Indotruck Utama: Volvo Construction Equipment, VolvoTrucks, Renault Trucks, Kalmar, Manitou, and SDLG. All of these products have a massive penetrationand significant market share in each respective market. Indonesian Citizen Male with excellent Health Minimum Age 35 years old Minimum Bachelor (S1) graduate Good Communication, interpersonal and Negotiation Skill Experience from the similar work role for minimum 3 (three) years Retaining leadership, problem solver and outgoing personality Hard worker and with strong leadership ability Ability to demonstrate strategic planning/budgeting as well as account relationship management Good command in both spoken and written English Computer literacy Willingness to travel extensively all around Indonesia Good command in both spoken and written English

Lowongan: Finance Officer

Posted: 19 Jul 2014 04:25 AM PDT

PT Indotruck Utama is the subsidiary of Indomobil Group, one of the largest automotive distributor andmanufacturer in Indonesia. The company was established in 1988, and has been appointed as the soledistributor of well known and reputable European and American brands in heavy duty transportation, portequipment and material handling.There are several brands handled by PT Indotruck Utama: Volvo Construction Equipment, VolvoTrucks, Renault Trucks, Kalmar, Manitou, and SDLG. All of these products have a massive penetrationand significant market share in each respective market. Indonesian Citizen, Male or Female with excellent Health Minimum Age 27 years old Minimum Bachelor (S1) graduate, Diploma (D3) Good Communication, interpersonal and Negotiation Skill Experience from the similar work role for minimum 1 (one) year Retaining leadership, problem solver and outgoing personality Hard worker and with strong leadership ability Ability to demonstrate strategic planning/budgeting as well as account relationship management Good command in both spoken and written English Computer literacy Willingness to travel extensively all around Indonesia Readiness to be positioned at any location all around Indonesia

Lowongan: Resident Doctor/Dokter Kebun

Posted: 19 Jul 2014 04:25 AM PDT

PT Austindo Nusantara Jaya Tbk ('ANJ'), didirikan pada tahun 1993 yang berkantor pusat di Jakarta adalah perusahaan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia. ANJ memfokuskan bisnisnya dalam bidang pangan dan energi terbarukan. ANJ terutama terlibat dalam produksi dan pengolahan kelapa sawit dan sagu untuk menghasilkan pangan. Selain itu, ANJ juga terlibat dalam energi terbarukan yaitu di pembangkit listrik dari panas bumi dan bio-gas.

Male max. 40 years oldMinimal Bachelor Degree in Medicine from reputable universityHas min.3 years working experience as doctor, preferably have experience on siteAble to handle minor surgery, intensive care, make short report, do promotion, elucidation and prevention to public healthPassed Hiperkes Certificate Have strong leadership, integrity and good interpersonal skillWilling to be placed in our site Area in West Kalimantan (Kabupaten Ketapang)

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